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PRAYER opportunities at Fcc

Family Christian Center is a PRAYING church!
"It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer.’” (Matt 21:13)

Daily in-person prayer is led by an FCC pastor, in the sanctuary, Monday through Friday from 6-7AM. Our largest weekly prayer meeting in person is Friday mornings with Pastor Steve Munsey. Many gather each week to seek God. If you’re not able to join in person, hundreds join weekly via Facebook Live. Communion is served during a moment of worship at the conclusion of prayer at 6:50am.
Sanctuary prayer is open to the public.

Many hundreds also participate in our twice daily telephone prayer conference “Cross Prayer” led by Pastor John Ponder, at 6am (Mon-Thurs) & 9pm (Mon-Fri) by calling 312-820-4523 (Access Code: 9570565). In every session we pray over prayer requests submitted electronically.

Here are all the ways you can participate continually in our prayer life online! 1. Go to 2. Send an email to 3. Text 219-484-5855 (we pray over these on Cross Prayer) 4. Join twice daily prayer conference line - “Cross Prayer” is Monday thru Friday 6AM and 9PM 312-820-4523 Access code: 957 0565. 5. Submit your prayer request via our church phone app “FCC4me” on your smartphone.